Welcome Goddess


Yoniverse Monthly Membership

To nurture your sacred femininity and achieve optimal wellness, we request a commitment to a four-month monthly membership.

Embracing new habits can enhance your physical appearance and boost your energy levels. These healthy commitments can bring about direct and measurable improvements in women's bodies, minds, sexual health, and overall vitality, leading to a more vibrant and fulfilling lifestyle.

Following your session, you will receive Energy Reports via Voxer containing essential information, including recommendations and insights gathered during your appointment. We appreciate your dedication to your well-being. Thank you.


Transcending Yoniverse Package


Wellness Membership Benefits:

As a part of your monthly membership, you can select one of our Yoni eggs in a special bundle during your first month.

The bundle includes:

- 1 Yoni egg with a stand and informative materials (Please note that Jade is not included).

- A 4 oz. bottle of Love Me Energy Waters.

Monthly Membership Features:

Your monthly membership provides you with the following:

- (2) 30-minute Yoni Womb Blessings conducted via Zoom, with a combined value of $238.

- (2) 30-minute one-on-one Yoniverse Talk sessions for coaching and support via Zoom, with a combined value of $238.

During these sessions, you can engage in discussions about sensual topics, explore intimate techniques, and receive valuable relationship support.

Ascending Yoniverse Package


Wellness Membership Benefits:

As part of your monthly membership, you have the opportunity to select any of our Yoni eggs in a special bundle during your first month.

The bundle includes:

- 1 Yoni Egg with a stand and informative materials (Please note that Jade is not included).

Monthly Membership Features:

Your monthly membership offers the following:

- (1) 30-minute Yoniverse Womb Blessing session conducted via Zoom, valued at $119.

- (1) 30-minute one-on-one Yoniverse Talk session for coaching and support through Zoom, also valued at $119.

During these sessions, you can openly discuss sensual topics, explore intimate techniques, and receive valuable relationship support.

Consider upgrading to the next level of membership for additional savings.

90 Minute Womb Blessing Only

The Yoniverse Monthly Membership Womb Blessing offers multiple benefits to enhance overall feminine energy and physical well-being. The session focuses on boosting your life force energy, promoting restoration, and providing protection for your energy center, all within a 90-minute self-care treatment.

To fully embrace the advantages of this program and achieve optimal wellness in your sacred femininity, a four-month monthly membership commitment is required.

By adopting new habits and committing to your well-being, you can experience improvements in your appearance and increase your energy levels. These healthy commitments directly and measurably impact women's bodies, minds, sexual health, and overall energy, leading to a more vibrant lifestyle.

The session is designed to provide well-being and support your healing journey toward a sacred space, known as the "Yoni," a Sanskrit term referring to the vagina. The Yoni is regarded as a sacred channel for the natural flow of life force energy. During the session, your Yoni Doula will work to reclaim and reconnect you to this open gateway, helping to clear and heal energetic blocks on physical, energetic, emotional, and sexual levels.

The cost of this transformative experience is $220.


Non-Membership Yoniverse Rates

Non Membership Rates

Choose from the following Yoniverse Womb Blessing sessions, all conducted through Zoom:

- (1) Remote 30-minute Yoniverse Womb Blessing: Regular rate $119

- (1) Remote 60-minute Yoniverse Womb Blessing: Regular rate $188

- (1) Remote 90-minute YoniVerse Womb Blessing: Regular rate $257

To enjoy additional savings, consider becoming a monthly member. Your well-being is invaluable, and you deserve it.

Yoniverse Talk

Bring your whole heart into the session and allow yourself to be guided toward establishing sacred intimacy and forging a profound connection. Delve into discussions on sensual topics, acquire knowledge of intimate techniques, and receive valuable relationship support.

Please note that Energy Reports are not provided for this service.

- 1 on 1 YoniVerse Talk Zoom coaching support:

- 30 minutes: $119 (Regular rate)

- 60 minutes: $188 (Regular rate)

- 90 minutes: $200 (Regular rate)

What is the Yoniverse Womb Blessing?


Yoniverse Womb Blessing

The Yoniverse serves as a gateway to your womb, and when combined with the integration of Yoni eggs, it becomes a key to unlock realms within the spiritual world. The womb is expansive, deep, and vast, akin to the Universe, serving as the container and generator of life force energy for both the body and spirit, where they intertwine. To further enhance your experience, we can also incorporate Yoni Eggs into your session, which can lead to optimal and profound results. The womb, in essence, is a gateway to accessing the cycles of life, death, and rebirth.

During a Yoniverse Womb Blessing, our primary intention is to infuse your energy center with positive and healing energy, aiming to restore, support, and protect it. This session is designed to bring well-being, guiding you on a healing journey into the sacred space of the "Yoni," a Sanskrit term for the vagina. The Yoni is regarded as a sacred channel that facilitates the natural flow of life force energy. Throughout this session, your Yoni Doula will work to reconnect you with your open gateway and assist in clearing and healing energetic blockages on physical, energetic, emotional, and sexual levels.

The womb is a powerful center, capable of awakening the kundalini, stimulating the flow of orgasmic energy, and honoring the interconnectedness of sexuality, creativity, emotions, and our lineage. Paying homage to the Yoniverse leads to heightened awareness, trauma release, healing, and the transformation of your future.

In a Yoniverse Womb Blessing session, you'll find a tranquil, undisturbed space and lie down fully clothed. While in this space, you will receive a remote distance energy blessing that opens and clears the pathway to your feminine essence.

For those who choose to do so, there's an option to insert a Yoni egg crystal into the vagina during the session, provided you're not menstruating. This can enhance the metaphysical properties of the crystal and elevate the frequencies of the Yoniverse Womb Blessing. It's important to note that having a Yoni Egg Crystal is not a necessity to receive this profound healing.

As a Reiki Master, Yoni Doula, Past Life Regressor, and Interdimensional Healer, we have the ability to energetically traverse the womb gateway, accessing layers of higher frequency realms. The focus of this process includes clearing low-vibrational energies through Chakra Affirmation balancing commands, ThetaHealing®, Holy Fire® Reiki, and establishing a cosmic connection to past and present life cycles. The Yoniverse Womb Blessing provides a sense of empowerment, passion, and self-acceptance. Through the infinite and endless depths of the womb, you can experience profound inner body connectedness, finding profound centeredness and grounding in the feminine life force expressed through the womb.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of discovery and transformation in your Yoniverse Womb Healing?

Explore the Yoniverse & Yoni Eggs

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What are Yoni Eggs?

In ancient traditions, Crystal Yoni Eggs were traditionally employed for the purpose of toning the vaginal canal and fortifying weakened pelvic floor muscles.

The gentle insertion of a crystal egg into the vagina for a few hours can foster profound vaginal awareness. This practice can help individuals reconnect with their bodies, heightening sensitivity to vaginal sensations and awakening clitoral stimulation, all while enhancing sexual desire.

Drawing from personal experience, I've had the opportunity to use Yoni Eggs and receive Womb Blessings. These experiences can open the yoni (vagina) to a state of health, lubrication, and enhanced orgasmic potential. The Yoniverse lifestyle I offer is not limited to sexual benefits alone; it can also lead to increased self-confidence, balanced menstrual cycles, and assistance with urinary incontinence, among other advantages.

We provide certified GIA-safe nontoxic crystals, offering medium-sized Yoni Eggs to support the well-being of your Yoniverse (vagina/womb).

Engaging in Yoni egg practices is an ideal means to enhance vaginal strength, muscle control, elasticity, and overall vaginal health. You have the option to choose between two types of Yoni Eggs: drilled (equipped with a hole for string attachment) and non-drilled (lacking a string hole).

Drilled Yoni Eggs are designed to be used with a string, allowing for self-stimulation, gradual relaxation, and easy removal of the egg from the vaginal canal using the attached string. Thanks to the hole, maintaining hygiene is a straightforward process, as you can use a pipe cleaner after each use to ensure cleanliness.

Non-Drilled Yoni Eggs, on the other hand, do not have a hole. This style is an excellent choice for beginners as it requires less maintenance for cleaning. These eggs can also enhance the sexual experience during penetration with a partner, promoting heightened awareness and connection to Yoni muscle movements.

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There are numerous benefits of using a Yoni Egg, such as:

Elevate your awareness and deepen your connection to your yoni (vagina)

Ignite your creative energy, passion, and libido

Experience heightened levels of orgasmic pleasure

Gain mastery over your perineum and all pelvic floor muscle groups, offering support for urinary incontinence

Enhance intimacy and bring delight to your partner while maintaining control over sexual release

Harmonize your emotions and cultivate a healthier relationship with intimacy and sexuality

Alleviate PMS symptoms, menstrual cramps, and breast discomfort

Mitigate menopausal symptoms by promoting vaginal lubrication and hormonal balance

Find relief from menstrual discomfort

Overcome past traumas related to sexual abuse

Enhance blood circulation and support your circulatory system

Rejuvenate your reproductive system

Optimize the flow of Kundalini life force energy

Balance hormones by facilitating increased blood circulation to the pelvic region

Yoni Sacred Steaming


What are the contraindications for a Yoni Steam?

Menstruation: the steam increases your blood flow, enhancing your circulation which can then cause heavy bleeding during menstruation.

  • Pregnancy: the steam relaxes and opens the cervix, while the herbs address balancing of your hormones, both of which could result in miscarriage or early labor.

  • Internal infection or open sores: while the herbs do have anti-bacterial properties, it is best to wait until after your infections have cleared up before steaming.

  • Intrauterine Device (IUD): the herbs combined with the steam are intended to cause your uterus to soften and contract which could make your IUD shift or come out altogether, which would make it less effective.

What is a Yoni Steam?

Take a self-care moment to restore your feminine essence. Relax to music, meditate if you choose to, and sit on your throne, beautiful Wombmen. As you are draped with a gown or blanket waist down, enjoy the combination of healing herbs steep in warm water below the throne. The medicinal properties of the steam of the herbs will be moving upwards from the inside of the throne, through the hole, while soothing steam rises to embrace your sacred space. You will be in your own space in the healing room, as you are receiving this therapeutic treatment. These herbs may enhance healing and relieving

  • Pre and Post Menses Support, easing bloating and cramps

  • Balance Hormones, helping to regulate irregular menstrual cycles

  • Menopause Support, addressing dryness or pain during intercourse

  • Increase Cervical Fluids, aiding with increased fertility

  • Nourish and Tone Uterine Lining, another way to increase fertility

  • Prevent and Ease Bladder and Kidney Stones

  • Ease Headaches and Lower Back Pain

  • Correct Digestive Disorders

  • Soothe Nervous System

  • Stress

  • Emotional Imbalance

  • Hemorrhoids

  • Infections

  • Infertility

What is Yoni?

Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the female genitalia, the Womb, and Vagina. It literally means “sacred place” and symbolizes our divine nature and its sacred portal to life.

Yoni Steaming aka V-Steaming is an age-old natural remedy said to cleanse the vagina and uterus, aiding in pelvic floor issues, great for after sexual activity, childbirth, changing hormones, regulating menstruation, and easing period cramps and bloating.

Yoniverse Womb Healing



Healing Herbs

  • Mugwort: In addition to fighting infection through its antibiotic and anti-fungal properties, mugwort balances female hormones and stimulates the production of hormones that help to maintain uterine health as well as protect the uterus from things such as ulcers and tumors. Mugwort steam opens the pores, allowing the beneficial herbs to penetrate into the bloodstream. In addition, mugwort helps to stimulate menstrual discharge and ease cramping.

  • Rosemary: An aromatic and antimicrobial herb, rosemary treats bacterial infection, speeds wound healing, inhibits yeast growth, and stimulates menstruation.

  • Lavender: One of the most relaxing herbs we have, lavender supports healing, and it also promotes menstrual flow.

  • Yarrow: Astringent, tonifying, and cleansing, yarrow is great for regulating menstrual flow, treating ovarian cysts, and supporting overall uterine health.

  • Motherwort: Astringent, tonifying, and cleansing, motherwort strengthens and relaxes uterine muscles, eases uterine cramping, and may help treat uterine fibroids. Motherwort stimulates uterine tone and blood flow.

  • Calendula: Aids in the healing of scar tissue, vaginal tears, or hemorrhoids.

  • Rose Petals: A relaxing, uplifting and astringent herb that is wonderful for pampering.

What to expect after a Yoni Steam?

Calmed, comforted, and de-stressed. The steam will have increased your blood circulation during your service. Some women experience light spotting for a day or two following your service. Some may find their next period to be much lighter and more pleasant than before, others may require four to seven services to experience all of the benefits. We have even heard of some women experiencing a much heavier, darker, thicker menstrual cycle the first time after. Most women have seen this as a full release and experience a much better menstrual cycle the next time around. It’s suggested to continue two to three Yoni Steams to fully understand how it will benefit you, be patient and listen to your body.

Wombmen Self Care

Gently steaming the Yoni with restoring herbs is a very simple, effective, and ancient tradition. Generations of women from many indigenous cultures through centuries have been passing down this sacred ritual to energetically, emotionally, and physically cleanse and nourish their Yoni and awaken their Feminine Essence. During a Yoni Steam, you allow the warmth of selected and organic herbal steam to permeate and relax the sexual organs and womb. Our herbal blends consist of Renewing, Tone & Tighten, and Fertility!

Breath and Sound magnify the power of this shift in perception of being a woman deeply rooted and grounded in your body and sexuality, connected to the mysteries and depth of your own womb, the Womb of Mother Earth, and the Cosmic Womb.

To capture all the benefits of this sacred practice, we recommend adding our very own Sensual Sets, Drilled or Non Drilled Yoni Egg, and Self Care boxes for at-home care. Shop at our website to create a luxurious spa at home.

AT HOME SELF CARE: You may also purchase our Wombmen Herbs for at-home steaming.

Life Force Energy LLC places confidence and promotes the power of educating and inspiring women to their Wombmen Empowerment. Our manifestation is to consciously connect Women with their Divine feminine, through our self-care sessions, products & regimens.

Women hold power in the womb as this is where we create & manifest life, metaphorically, physically, emotionally, energetically, vibration-ally, and spiritually as we ignite and connect with our passions!!

Yoni Investment at home: $12.50 for each 1/2 cup serving, all energetically prepared with Reiki, ThetaHealing intentions, & includes a crystal for your personal spa regimen at the comfort of your home.

To prepare the herbal steam at home: In a medium to a large pot, soft boil 10 cups of water with the lid on. Once boiling, add ½ cup of herbal mixture, keep covered, and let simmer for five minutes, reducing heat to medium-low.

After 5 min, turn the heat off, keep covered and let steep for 5-10 minutes to brew & cool. Once you are ready to transport this warm herbal solution to the v-steam location, make sure the water is not too hot, you may use your hand to test, be cautious as you don't want to burn yourself. Vaginal and reproductive tissue are topically sensitive to heat. The intention of the v-steam is to be able to sit for the desired length of time of 30 to 45 minutes to receive the therapeutic benefits that the herbs have infused into the water and steam.

For those that own a Yoni Chair: place the pot on a trivet over a towel spread out on the floor, place the chair over the pot. Uncover the pot just prior to sitting upon the chair. Cover your entire body with a sheet or extra-large towel to create a "body tepee" - which will keep the steam in and prevent your body from getting cold.

For those who don't have a Yoni chair: place the pot on a trivet over a towel spread out on the floor and add an extra towel around the pot for added safety. Remove the lid and kneel over the pot. Cover your entire body with a sheet or extra-large towel to create a "body tepee" - which will keep the steam in and prevent your body from getting cold.

After V-Steam is over, now what? When you finish, compost steam once it cools (plants will love it!!)

Optional: You may say these words of gratitude to Mother Earth🌍

"Thank you, Mother Earth for healing my mind, body, spirit, and my Yoni. My womb is balanced, safe, in peace, secure, and grounded. I rejoice and celebrate my womb's natural rhythms, I cycle with ease in releasing and letting go of what no longer serves me. I return these precious revitalizing herbs back to the Earth as an offering of my gratitude, thank you, thank you, thank you."

Sanitize chair or v-steam tools and other materials in prep for your next v-steam!

Love, Insight & Healing,

Life Force Energy, LLC

Caution: Do not do Yoni Steams when pregnant, menstruating, skin irritations, infections, using an IUD, or ten days of giving birth.